During a kill,person A,B and C seperate their organs.the average number orders for heart(H),
intestines(I), lung(L) and bone(B) for each kill were as follows:
Person A:20(H), 30(I), 60(L), 10(B)
Person B:30(H), 50(I), 80(L), 20(B)
Person C:60(H), 80(I), 90(L), 50(B)
The cost of each heart, intestines, lung and bone was $500, $300, $400 and $800 respectively in s'pore. $600(H), $400(I), $300(L) and $500(B) in Japan. $400(H), $600(I), $200(L), $500(B) in USA. Find
a)the cost of organs they seperate in s'pore.
b)the total cost of organs they seperate for each person in all the countries.