I am very pleased and estatic to announce that there is a student in your class who scored full marks!
Nonetheless, there are a handful of failures.
However, from your answers, I can see that most of you understood the topic well.
P(selecting a student who do not understand the topic)=0.05
P(selecting a student who is very fluent with the topic)= 0.35
Common errors....
last question: Probability that XX passes driving test each month is 0.7.
a)What is the probability that he will pass in either the first or second month?
b)What is the probability that he will pass in the first 3 months?
a) P(1st or 2nd month)= P(1st month pass) + P(1st month fail, 2nd month pass)
b) P(1st 3 months) = a + P(1st month fail, 2nd month fail, 3rd month pass)
...if you pass in your first month, will you take it again the 2nd or 3rd month?
Similarly, the probability that the Guru buys this LV speedy

What is the probability she will buy it in Jan?
What is the probability that she will buy it in Jan or Feb?
What is the probability that she will buy in in the first 3 months?
If I buy it in Jan, do you think I will buy the same bag again in Feb or the 3rd month?
No! I will buy something else....e.g.

You all get what I mean?